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Checking Out El Campo Santo Cemetery

We finally had a cool morning in San Diego and I went exploring. Believe it or not, there are several cemeteries in the area I still haven’t visited. This trip took me to Old Town to see El Campo Santo Cemetery. I’ve been to Old Town many times taking in the museums, shopping at the unique stores, and eating great Mexican food, but I’ve... read more
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Visiting UCSD’s Outdoor Sculptures

On a recent visit to La Jolla, my friend Penne took me through a part of the UCSD campus I hadn’t seen before. With six undergraduate colleges and five graduate schools spread over 1000 acres, it’s quite easy to miss something. There are nineteen pieces of commissioned art as a result of a partnership between the college and The Stuart... read more
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Beautiful Ladies of Florida

So close to the Super Bowl you might be thinking this is a post about Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. They are both beautiful and talented, but this is about those special ladies I like to find in cemeteries — angel statues. I visited two cemeteries: Oaklawn Memorial Gardens in Titusville and Greenwood Cemetery in Orlando. I think it’s... read more
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Mission 2: The Old Mission Santa Barbara

I grew up on the East Coast, so I missed learning about the Spanish missions in California. With twenty-one of them running up the California coast, it is easy to visit one. So on a road trip to Santa Barbara last week, we made sure to visit the mission there. Along with the scenic coastline, it was worth the trip. As we approached, I had a... read more
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Girls Trip to New Mexico

The annual Girls Trip took us to Santa Fe (New Mexico’s capital) and Albuquerque (the state’s largest city) this year. I won’t tell you how many times I’ve had to look up the spelling of Albuquerque. This trip there were four of us and it worked out great for when we didn’t all want to do the same things. For example, some folks... read more