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My Body – My New Favorite Song

It’s been several months since I’ve been obsessed with a song. My new love is “My Body” by Young the Giant. Major confession (please don’t judge me): I heard this song recently on The Voice. Not only that, the song was released almost ten years ago. Where have I been? Anyway, it’s not just the lyrics that grab you; it has a beat that... read more
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Stuck in a River

A few years ago, I wrote about a weird phenomenon called earworm. It’s when a song gets stuck in your head and plays in an endless loop. It seems to effect women more than men and is very irritating. The cure is to “change the channel” so that another song takes its place. The song I’m having trouble with now is one my daughter introduced... read more
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Andrea and Matteo Bocelli Together

What’s better than hearing Andrea Bocelli sing? Hearing him sing with his son, Matteo. I was catching up on some Late Show recordings when I saw they were going to do a duet together. OMG, after replaying their duet, “Fall on Me,” about ten times, I’m officially in Bocelli heaven. On their YouTube video, Andrea Bocelli makes the song even... read more
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Rag’n’Bone Man is only Human After All

I was shopping in a small store the other day. How small was it? It was so small it was just me, the sales person, and the most amazing voice belting it out over the store’s speakers. Since neither of us recognized the singer, I pressed the Shazam app on my cell phone and found out the song was “Human” and the artist was Rag’n’Bone Man.... read more
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Making a Connection with OneRepublic

You may have heard OneRepublic’s song “Connection” on a Jeep commercial. I heard it for the first time on a late night talk show. Regardless, the lyrics really hit me. This song is about the social media obsessed culture we live in today, and the kind of connections we are making. We may be connected to many people online, but there is a... read more