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They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were s...

I had lunch with a dear friend who participated in the San Diego Women’s March several weeks ago. The march inspired her, and she shared a photo with me. It showed a woman holding a sign with two sentences: They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds. Those powerful words touched her and me as well. The curiosity bug hit. I had to... read more
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Patriots Day – The Stay Strong Movie

When I told folks I saw the movie Patriots Day, their responses surprised me. Most said they wouldn’t go see a movie about terrorists bombing the Boston Marathon. My reason for going was because as a former Bostonian, I wanted to see the city again. It was a surprise when I first moved to San Diego and discovered no one took Patriots Day... read more
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Can Airports be Enjoyable?

Chicago O’Hare Celebrates the Holiday I traveled in early December to visit family on the East Coast. On the way out, my connection was in Chicago. I try to avoid stopping in Chicago anytime during the winter because, you know, the weather usually sucks. To my surprise, the weather was fine, the flights were on schedule, and I had extra time to... read more
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Quirky Colma

I love discovering quirky little towns. After a day of sightseeing in San Francisco, my daughter and I discovered Colma. Colma happens to be the closest BART station to her home. As we walked through the BART parking garage, I spied the rolling hills of a cemetery. Since we weren’t in a rush, my daughter accommodated my unusual hobby of looking... read more
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A Year of Book Recommendations

The wonderful women of my book club and I reviewed forty books this fall. We slimmed them down to our top picks for the next twelve months. I thought I’d share our many hours of work with val’s road readers. The genres include: fiction, non-fiction, memoir, and fantasy. I’ve included brief summaries of the books as well as the... read more