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Have you heard this term before? It’s nothing like the lyrics in the song “It’s Raining Men” by The Weather Girls. I saw this term for the first time as a headline in Conde Nast Traveler’s online edition (dated June 7, 2017). It read: “Madrid Bans Manspreading On Its Public Transport.” Manspreading is when a guy sits down and... read more
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Review of Royal Caribbean Bahamas Cruise

My nieces from New Hampshire and I took a three night Royal Caribbean Bahamas cruise. It left from Port Canaveral in Florida on a Friday and returned on a Monday. A great escape if you only have a short time to get away. Lucky for me, I have a sister who lives in Florida, and she’s done this cruise many times. I am sharing the tips she gave me... read more
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Word of the Day: Donnybrook

I was reading an article in the WSJ today and came across a word I’d never seen or heard spoken: donnybrook. The article was about the town of South Burlington, Vermont where citizens are upset about changing the name of their high school mascot (Rebels). To describe the situation, the reporter used the word ‘donnybrook.’ A quick search... read more
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Writer’s Elbow is Real

I’d been on the computer for hours revising the latest draft of my book. When I got up to take a break, I noticed my left elbow seemed tender. If I put any pressure on it, I felt a sensation similar to touching a very bad sun burn. My elbows are of the sharp boney variety. So I thought, maybe I just needed to cushion the arm rests on my desk... read more
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Jonestown Survivor Speaks

I had the opportunity to hear Laura J. Kohl speak at an Osher* educational event. She spoke about her experience with the Peoples Temple and Jim Jones. November 18, 2018 will mark the fortieth anniversary of the ‘revolutionary suicide’ that killed over 900 of her friends. By a twist of fate, she was not at the Jonestown compound when the... read more