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Valsroad 2018 Book Club Ideas

I’ve been a book club member for over 20 years. The gals in my book club may come and go, but one thing stays constant, the love a good book. Looking back to those early years, I remember reading books like “The Pilot’s Wife” by Anita Shreve and “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur Golden. Hundreds of books later, my... read more
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The Irony of Irma, Literally

I spent a week visiting family in Orlando and Eastern Florida shortly after Hurricane Irma. Other than debris and short power outages, I am thankful my family was spared. Much of my travel time was spent on the Florida Turnpike (no tolls, thank you Governor Rick Scott). As I drove, I saw many fallen trees pushed off to the side of the highway and... read more
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Babbitt Road on Val’s Road

My daughter has been working for The Wilderness Society and knows I am always looking for great nature photos of roads for my blog. She found this gorgeous one of Babbitt Road for me. (Click on photo to enlarge.) The location for this shot is Tahoe National Forest which is located in the Eastern Sierra Nevada (California). The dirt road is... read more
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Take me to Church – Winchester Cathedral

As a child growing up in the Sixties, I remember hearing my dad whistling the melody of “Winchester Cathedral.” The song was a huge hit by the British group The New Vaudeville Band. They performed the song on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1966. With that nostalgia, I visited this beautiful church in Southern England. It’s no secret I love... read more
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How to Describe the Sagrada Familia

Some moments in life make lasting impressions: The day Mother Nature amazes you with her palate of colors during peak foliage season or with a spectacular sunset. Your heart skips a beat and you realize you’ve fallen in love. You wonder at the marvel of life when your newborn is placed in your arms. And then there are moments that you... read more