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Book Lovers

My book club reviewed over thirty books before narrowing down the list by half. Here’s what we will be reading next in 2024 and 2025!  Tom Lake by Ann Patchett, Fiction, 320 pages The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict & Victoria Murray, Historical Fiction, 324 pages Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder, Non Fiction, 320... read more
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Bowling is Fun(ny)

Several years ago I decided that I wanted to join a bowling league. And, surprise surprise, I qualified for a 50+ co-ed league. Bowling is a team (or should I say “tame”) sport that accommodates all skill levels because of the handicap points system.  Over the years, I’ve had some extremely fun times at the bowling alley. I thought... read more
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Don’t Give Up

When I was a teenager, my family went through a lot of tragedy losing three family members in a very short period of time.  Somehow, during the burial part of these losses, my grandmother was moved from her original place in the cemetery to another location. For the past 40 years, my sisters and I have been trying to find that... read more
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My Summer Angels

Each time I see an angel statue, I am impressed by the different emotions it evokes. Here are some of my favorites from this summer. I saw this elegant beauty in the Musee Marmotton. This grieving lady was at Pere Lachaise Cemetery. The strength of this warrior angel is amazing. Found this one in the Church of St. Paul of St.... read more
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My Angel Friend

I recently visited the Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. It has been a few years since my last visit and it didn’t disappoint. This Mission is a beautiful and serene place with its historical church, museum and cemetery. Prior to leaving, I visited the gift shop. And there I spied my angel friend. As lovely as the angel is, it was... read more