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Valsroad 2019 – 2020 Book Club Choices

Just in time to celebrate Independent Bookstore Day on April 27, my book club chose our next group of books which are shared below. I found this great quote from which defines the importance of independent bookstores: “Independent bookstores are not just stores, they’re community centers and local anchors run by... read more
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An Inspirational Spring

I don’t usually write about spirituality on my blog, but several women have inspired me this spring. One shared her beauty, another shared her life, and the last shared her voice. Mother Nature has been at her finest this spring. The heavy rains brought us an abundance of wildflowers. This attracted millions of Painted Lady butterflies that... read more
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Stuck in a River

A few years ago, I wrote about a weird phenomenon called earworm. It’s when a song gets stuck in your head and plays in an endless loop. It seems to effect women more than men and is very irritating. The cure is to “change the channel” so that another song takes its place. The song I’m having trouble with now is one my daughter introduced... read more
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Active Kindness

At the beginning of a new year, I try to make a resolution to improve some part of my life. My past resolutions have included the usual: trying to eat healthier or working out more. It’s March and I haven’t made a resolution yet. So I decided to try something simpler, find my word for 2019. My book club read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book “Eat,... read more
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Alone at the Opera

I made a last minute decision to go to the opera on a Friday night in downtown San Diego. Those who live in this area know that driving downtown is a pain, but throw the Friday commute into the picture and double the time. So after an hour and a half in my car (ignoring half of the ridiculous suggestions google maps offered to avoid traffic), I... read more