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Spring Photo Contest

For 2020, I’m changing the rules for my nature photo contest. Instead of road themes, I’m looking for shots with color. And nothing says color more than nature waking up in the Spring. My only restriction is no single flower shots (i.e. no close ups of one blossom). I’m looking for hillsides or fields in bloom. Bonus if any shots include... read more
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Beautiful Ladies of Florida

So close to the Super Bowl you might be thinking this is a post about Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. They are both beautiful and talented, but this is about those special ladies I like to find in cemeteries — angel statues. I visited two cemeteries: Oaklawn Memorial Gardens in Titusville and Greenwood Cemetery in Orlando. I think it’s... read more
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Ya Don’t See Um – Ya Feel Um

On a recent trip to Florida, I had a great visit with my sisters and extended family. There were a couple mornings I had time to myself and did some exploring. The highlights were visiting a cool cemetery (of course), NASA, and the beach. But my fifteen minute walk along the beach turned into a disaster…one I didn’t know about until later that... read more
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2019 – A Year of Music Memories

Looking back at 2019, I recall an informal pact I made with a friend several years ago. We decided no more excuses if our favorite artists/legends/performers came to town. The source of this pact was a missed opportunity to see Prince. My friend and I are huge fans. When he came to San Diego in 2013, the tickets were very expensive as he was... read more
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My Body – My New Favorite Song

It’s been several months since I’ve been obsessed with a song. My new love is “My Body” by Young the Giant. Major confession (please don’t judge me): I heard this song recently on The Voice. Not only that, the song was released almost ten years ago. Where have I been? Anyway, it’s not just the lyrics that grab you; it has a beat that... read more