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Fuzzy Succulents

Since snow and ice seem to be all the talk for the poor folks out East this winter, I thought I’d break form and talk about succulents.

A year ago, I planted two fuzzy succulents in my front yard. They were both the same size, about five inches tall. All my other succulents are of the smooth leaf variety, so I was curious to see how these would turn out. I think these two belong to the Kalanchoe family, but I’m not positive.

Mother Nature is a wild and crazy gal (kudos to SNL for 40 years of making us laugh). One plant doubled in size to ten inches and only because it sent up a shoot for blossoms. The other plant, who I fondly call Ogre Ears, grew ten times its size to about 55 inches high. In this close up photo, you’ll see how it got its name.

My fuzzy succulent experiment taught me how little I have to do with how plants grow. I’m continually surprised by the results. The photo below shows the little brown fuzzy one in front of the giant green Ogre Ears. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

succulents in shade