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What Do You Miss?

So when Covid first started, we thought that it’d be over in three months. Now that we’ve passed the six-month mark, we’re still wondering how long until we get a vaccine and return to some kind of normal.

Lately I’ve been thinking about what I’ve missed the most during this pandemic. Of course, I miss the big things like traveling to visit friends and family. But honestly, it’s one of the simpler things in life that I really miss. Crazy as it sounds, I miss bowling–not the bowling alley per se–but my teammates and the camaraderie.*

It was just over a year ago when I first joined a league and wrote about how much I enjoyed meeting people my age and a few generations older. There’s always a joke to tell and a story to share. And the pure fun when someone does well and you cheer them on.

Unlike sports that can be played outdoors, it’s a waiting game for when bowling alleys will be able to reopen. In the meantime, I’ll reminisce about my high score game and keep in touch with my teammates virtually.

bowling high score

Let me know if you have something unusual you miss. If I get enough responses, I’ll share on another post.

*Side note: when I was looking up the spelling for camaraderie on, the word of the day was argy-bargy. How great is that word? It’s a British term for a vigorous discussion or dispute.