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Val’s Garden

I didn’t expect to ever write about my garden, because I don’t expect much from it. If anything grows, it is indeed a surprise as I have no natural gardening instincts. I know the basics: water, weed, feed and prune. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn’t. When a rose bush blooms and I can cut a bud to enjoy for a few days in a... read more
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Remembering Robert Doisneau

My daughter’s high school French teacher gave her a very innovative assignment. She was instructed to take a series of photos in the style of the famous French photographer Robert Doisneau. Doisneau’s photographs chronicled French people in their everyday lives. Some of his most memorable shots were taken after World War II. After many... read more
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The Goodbye Room

Before you read this piece, please be warned it is a very sad story. I wouldn’t usually put something like this on val’s road, but due to the many hours that went into it, I felt compelled to share. This is the final assignment of a non-fiction writing class I just finished. The assignment was to write a complete scene in 1500... read more